My Super Star Elizabeth


As our team grows, I plan to highlight the amazing women surrounding me here at our unique studio. They all are the ones that keep everything going.

This month, I am highlighting My Super Star, Master Instructor Elizabeth!

She is not only an “instructor” at the studio but also a BIG part of our family. When we moved here to NWI from Baltimore 4 years ago, I met Elizabeth at the pool. She was Lana’s swim teacher;  masterfully teaching her to swim in 3 lessons! She was also Chad’s personal trainer and on top of that helped our family whenever we needed it; she was there!  When it came time to look for an instructor for the studio, she “auditioned” at one of the classes I taught at the gym. I saw that her form was impeccable, and she obviously already had a great understanding of the body. The one thing I did not know at the time was how amazing of a person she truly is.  She is positive and optimistic. She is hard working and reliable. She is creative, fun, and type A neat (LOVE). But the one thing I got to learn about Elizabeth, is that she truly cares about her clients, her friends and her family.  She will put others before herself.  Overall, she is an amazing, powerful women and the role model for so many.  She has helped me grow as a person, as a business owner.  And I have witnessed Elizabeth grow as well; she is confident, proud, and strong.   I love that she is “Barre Strong” in her body and her mind. Elizabeth, I have loved all that we do together, in trudio, onshare barre love events, picking warm-up songs and wine tours.  We love you! Cheers to a beautiful , barre strong 2017!



elizabeth-spotlightLearn more about Elizabeth here;

When did you start teaching at Barre + Beyond?

Before Orlee even had her own studio, I was by her side! I worked with her daughter, Lana, in her swim lessons. I worked with her husband, Chad, on personal training and when the opportunity arose to work with Orlee on something new and exciting in this area, I was all in. We were destined to be in each other’s lives!


What do you love about the barre workout?

I love that barre brings back my dance background ; the control required and the small movements are gentle on my body but at the same time make me soar all over!!


Favorite class to teach?

Interval! It takes barre to the next level! To see the determination on our client’s faces to complete the countdown is absolutely amazing; making everybody stronger ONE SECOND at a time!!


Most memorable day at the barre?

It was right in the beginning! I’d have to say it was when Orlee called and said… “You’re on your own tomorrow, I’m on bed rest!” I thought, “What?! But I just shadowed you 2 or 3 times… oookkk I guess I got this!” And I did!


How has life at barre affected your life outside of barre?

Barre is not just a class you attend than leave… we become a tribe that helps and supports each other. I help them achieve their goals, but they are helping me be a better person as well.


If someone takes your class, what should they expect?

SHAKE…SWEAT…(and maybe) SWEAR (in your head)


What’s your guilty pleasure?

CARBS!!! And buying workout clothes.


What do you do for fun?

SLEEP… not too exciting, but I do like a good nap. zzz


Love this interview! It says quite a bit about our Super Star Elizabeth!


As always Sharing Barre Love,







Barre + Beyond is a boutique fitness studio created with a goal to inspire all women of all ages and fitness levels to challenge their bodies and minds, while forging bonds and friendships to help achieve their fitness goals.