Boutique Fitness On the Go

As a former dancer, my body is meant to move. However, there was a full decade after college, that I did nothing. No physical activity. No workout felt right, until I discovered barre. Barre is that workout that feels right for my body. Now, after 12 years of doing my barre workouts, I still crave the burn and shake only achieved from the isometrics of barre. It’s my workout of choice. As I grew up, dance was my workout. I worked on my art form, my body, my muscle movement, my mobility. Now in my 40’s, I still feel like I am forever working on my art form, my body, my muscle movement, my mobility. I am still working on ME! Every day is a new day where I plan to work on me, take time for my self care. Here, at Barre + Beyond, we want you to recognize that your workout is a way for you to work on your art form; your body; your muscle movement, your mobility. Each of you must find your own workout plan that works for you. We are here for you, to help you, to empower you. Each instructor brings something so unique to our community, to our collective. We have different backgrounds, different methods, different colors. But all those colors together is just beautiful. Together, we are an ongoing artwork masterpiece, and you just have to find your interpretation of the artwork. Find the mix of classes, programs, live and on-demand that works for you. We are here to help guide you on your fitness journey; on the art of fitness journey. Our goal, our message, our mission, is to Empower women in the art of mind, movement, mobility; the art of fitness. Welcome to Barre + Beyond; life beyond the studio walls! Sharing Barre Love, Orlee