

I had a different blog planned for today but this topic is more important right now to keep you burning at the barre. Our mission statement reiterated; to empower women to be strong; to be strong not just physically but also be strong mentally and taking that strength from the studio into their daily lives. I hear many of say

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Packing for 4th of July – Fashion Blog

What’s your favorite travel gear? These days, packing is easy (not including my children, but for me) because the “in” thing, is “athleisure-wear”; meaning fitness apparel for every day life. it is comfortable, doesn’t wrinkle, and most of all stylish.   When picking out apparel for our boutique, I keep in mind every day life fashion as well as style. Can

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Team B+B Spotlight- Rachel

Where do I start? We LOVE Rachel! She came to us  ready to start teaching shortly after moving to the area and having her first son John.  She was excited, motivated and “motivating” as I spoke to her. When I asked how old John was; “Two Weeks!” she said.  WOW! Yup, she is just as excited and ready to go every

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Client Spotlight- Mackenzie

I distinctly remember Mackenzie’s first day at the studio. She came to our Beginner “Be” Workshop series along with many other new faces. It was a full beginner class and could have easily been lost amongst the other many new barre beauties joining the series. However, she stood out. She maybe tried to “hide” as many do;   in the left

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June 2017 Newsletter

June 1, 2017                    Dear Barre Beauties, Summer is here!!  AND that means our favorite summer special is here too! BURN AT THE BARRE! Why do we love Burn at the Barre? Well, you earn Barre Bucks for coming to class more than 2x a week! So not only will feel stronger,

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What it means to be a M.O.M.

Do you know those little books you can grab in the checkout line at Barnes and Noble? Well, my mom left me one on the table when I got back from my Portland trip. It has all sorts of sayings that we hear every day, but I have to tell you, it doesn’t hurt to read them again.  Better yet,

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