Client Spotlight- Erin

I love that I get to introduce this Barre Beauty- because she is truly a beauty inside and out. I remember meeting Erin at the studio; she jumped in for one month with us and truly gave it her all. She was not shy about her pain and her weaknesses which allowed us to step in abs give her modifications that she needed. She listened to her body and took breaks, stopped and started and knew not to compare herself to others. To hear her story then and then again now truly is inspiring. She is barre strong- mentally and physically. We all have a story, some share some don’t but sometimes it helps to hear another story to remind us that we CAN do this. Erin, you truly are Inspiring. I love that you are committed to your schedule of classes, always with enthusiasm and a smile. I love that you have pivoted and made this year of change a year of GREAT change. I love Your story. I love that you are an engineer and artist! You also have such a giving heart. That type of beauty is so refreshing to witness. The time you spend on your art and then giving that love to others is met with such gratitude. Liza loves your templates – loves!! Thank you for making her smile. You have found what makes you happy and you know who you are. I know you have been through a journey and your journey inspires me. I know it will inspire others to keep working on ourselves to find what makes us happy; to make us strong inside and out. Ladies, read what Erin has to say here also let’s officially congratulate Erin on 100 classes… although by now she is on her way to 250!
1. How did you hear about us?
A quick search for local barre studios.
2. What inspired you to start your fitness journey?
At the end of 2018, I was facing major surgery to address years of hip pain. My surgeon recommended barre and pilates as a good tool for building strength pre-op. I committed and did unlimited classes the month leading up to surgery. I was skeptical about the workouts through the pain, but was amazed to find I could get through the classes with only minor modifications. They were fun and an easy way to move and build strength. A little over a year and 4 surgeries later, I was at the tail end of physical therapy when covid shut down everything including pt. I quickly pivoted and jumped back into virtual barre as my movement-as-therapy, and haven’t looked back since.
3. What is your biggest motivators on days that are more difficult than others?
Signing up for a live class days ago! If i’m signed up, it just happens. Planning a week’s worth of workouts and putting them on the calendar with a set time means I have a schedule and I follow it. Leaving it open makes it too easy to put off till the next day or never.
4. What have you done to help make virtual work for you?
I dedicated space in my house. I had a spare room, and over the last 9 months I cleared out all the extra junk (there was a lot!), then slowly have been adding things to make it more useful as a workout room (weights, a barre, balls, a diy TRX). I also made a point to add things that are joyful – fun posters and pictures of places I love, bright colors and happy things (hello yellow couch!) – i love being in that room now, which means it’s not a mental battle to work out there.
5. Which one of our classes is your favorite?
Evenings work best for me, so I’ve tried most classes in the 6pm slot. Honestly, I like them all! On the current line up, Elizabeth’s classes are always fun and strength building, Calla’s are a great foundation of moves, Rachel keeps it rhythmic to music, and Kristina’s are always fresh and challenging.
6. Do you have a favorite video in the library?
When live doesn’t fit the schedule, and I need a good stretch, Orlee’s stretch is a go-to. The mixed levels classes are a full workout without having to think too hard about picking options.
7. What would you tell someone who is frightened to start?
Don’t hesitate. Try it! The beauty of virtual is that you can fit it in your schedule, wear whatever is comfortable, and adjust to your level. No one is watching too closely! If a class feels too hard, do fewer reps or move slower or take a modification — there’s always a way to make it work with where you’re at in your fitness journey, especially if it’s at the very beginning, and even if pain is part of the equation.