I cannot tell you how proud I am of this one Barre Beauty. She has proven to me that with a goal in mind, one can accomplish anything. Change is hard, but change is good. Changing a routine, changing a small habit, adding a new “good addiction” is good. All changes are difficult to make without passion, dedication, commitment and a friend. Trinity has it all. First, let me talk about her friend, Julie Bombacino. She had given Trinity the opportunity to try class and make it a part of her daily routine. Even with that opportunity and friend by her side, not all would take advantage of it. But Trinity embodies the Mind Over Matter attitude. She has a strength not only physically but mentally too. She also has taken our “Share Barre Love” initiative to heart. With our campaign to give feminine products to Housing Opportunities women, Trinity has gone above and beyond and brought products in every day. Lastly, she just has a heart of gold. I am sad that she lives in Illinois for the school year but am so excited that her home and her barre family is here. Cannot wait of you to come back!
We are all so proud of you and what you have accomplished here! Thank you for sharing Barre Love!
Here is what Trinity has to say:
When did you first start coming to Barre + Beyond (Mind Over Matter Method Barre Classes)?
I started coming to Barre+Beyond on June 18th, 2016. Julie Bombacino, a Barre+Beyond member since the beginning, encouraged me to try a class during a discussion we had about health/fitness. She shared barre love and gave me a pass to try a class. My first class was Beginner Barre with Kelly Kwilosz. I was hooked ever since.
What got you “hooked” on Mind Over Matter Method Classes?
How they made me feel about myself! After a few classes, I began to see changes in my body. I started to feel stronger and leaner. I was gaining confidence and just feeling good about myself.
Have you seen changes in your physique?
Absolutely! Since doing barre over the course of the summer, I’ve lost 20 pounds! My muscles are becoming more defined. I feel stronger. I feel leaner. I feel more confident in myself.
How often do you take class?
Since I am home for summer break, I’ve been able to take a class 6-7 times a week. The morning and evening classes that Barre+Beyond offers have made a consistent routine possible.
Have you ever taken a barre class before Barre + Beyond?
No. Barre+Beyond was my first barre experience and it has been absolutely amazing! My experience at Barre+Beyond has actually encouraged me to try classes at other studios and at my local gym once I return to Sterling, IL for my job during the school year.
Do you have any goals set for yourself in class?
I set small goals for myself such as trying to maintain a position longer than I did before; decreasing the amount of breaks I take during a class; and to at least try the exercises that are a challenge for me before modifying them.
What would you tell someone that is hesitant to try a class?
You can do it! Push any doubts aside and go for it. You won’t regret it. 😉
Congrats again Trinity! Keep going and see you soon!
Sharing Barre Love,