Orlee Glazer– Owner/Founder, Instructor
Born and raised in Rockville, Maryland, Orlee has years of professional ballet training, studying at prestigious institutions such as American Ballet Theatre, School of American Ballet in New York City, as well as Chautauqua Dance Festival and Maryland Youth Ballet. She continued her study of dance, Pilates and Stretch conditioning as well as earn her BA in Economics while attending Duke University in Durham, North Carolina. During her successful 10-year career in sales, marketing and real estate, Orlee discovered barre in New York City and was instantly hooked. She became passionate not only about the incredible lengthening impact that barre classes had on her body, but also about the physical and mental strength the classes provided her. An athlete all her life, Orlee was no longer struggling to find a balance between career, motherhood, dance, and fitness.
To further her love of the Barre workout, she went on to receive her Barre Body certification and combine her extensive background and knowledge, creating Mind Over Matter Method, known as M3, her signature barre technique. Orlee is excited to share her passion and this amazing total body workout to Northwest Indiana and provide women in this wonderful community the opportunity to make fitness and healthy living a priority at the Barre + Beyond. Orlee lives in Chesterton, Indiana with her husband Chad and daughters Lana & Liza
Elizabeth Mazepa– Master Instructor
Elizabeth was born and raised right here in Northwest Indiana where she had extensive training in dance as a child. Her love of dance and movement motivated her towards a career in fitness, where she began as a group exercise instructor earning her certification through AFFA, Aerobics and Fitness Association of America. She has and continues to teach several different classes such as Piloxing and Kickboxing. Given her pursuit of excellence in the fitness arena, she furthered her career by completing her Personal Training certification through ACE, American Council on Exercise. Elizabeth loves working one on one with people, helping them achieve their personal best.
When Elizabeth discovered Mind Over Matter Method, she was completely inspired not only by this new workout and its benefits but also by the message in the name “Mind Over Matter”. Teaching at Barre+Beyond allows her to combine her two passions; dance and fitness, which has always been Elizabeth’s dream. With over 10 years in the fitness industry, Elizabeth is an integral part of the Barre + Beyond team. She is excited and honored to be a master instructor, creating challenging classes that help women work towards their goals to change their bodies and strengthen their minds. Elizabeth is also coordinator for “Share the Love” at the Barre + Beyond, the studio’s community outreach liaison. First Aid and CPR certified