Day One.

“The time is always right, to do what’s right.” Although the context of this Dr. Martin Luther King quote is so much grave than where I want to take it, let’s go ahead and expand on the concept. You can apply doing what’s right to all relationships and friendships. It can apply to new routines and eating habits. Whatever it is, do what is right starting now. Just start now. Don’t worry about the past, just start now. So applying this to all those of you out there, who have not yet made it into a class; or perhaps you have come and fallen off the wagon; or you just are feeling the January blues. Please stop worrying about the past and know that doing the right thing, right now is what counts. For our barre progressive this year, we brought out quotes and that currently adorn studio. During stretch class on Wednesday, I was staring at them, knowing that this was my topic of the week and it works perfectly with Dr. King’s quote as well. The one that stood out was, “One day or Day one”. Love that! In life, we can have all the excuses in the book but some times you just need to drop it! Just do it. Do what is right for you today and stop worrying about what you did yesterday. Take a deep breath and just come. We have some great options for you from BARRE basics classes, to stretch classes, to Pilates once a month to our mixed level BARRE that we will make work for you. We will accept you with open arms and open heart. So no matter what happened in the past, no judgement here. The past is the past and let’s do today and the future. No more “one day”…let’s do “Day one.”

Sharing Barre Love,


Barre + Beyond is a boutique fitness studio created with a goal to inspire all women of all ages and fitness levels to challenge their bodies and minds, while forging bonds and friendships to help achieve their fitness goals.