M.O.M.S Ballet Tips and Terms

Every M.O.M.S Method class is planned around our 3 foundational pillars: Ballet, Pilates and Stretch Conditioning. Combined, these three things work together to create a long lean physique by lengthening and sculpting your muscles and improving balance and posture.

While absolutely no dance experience is necessary to excel during a M.O.M.S Method Class it can be daunting to take your first class and begin hearing words like “Relevé” and “fourth position” thrown about.

What does it mean?!

What do I do?!

Before you panic and make a hasty exit, read on!

In the next few paragraphs we will go over some of the basic ballet moves you might hear (and do!) in a M.O.M.S Method class. And don’t forget- if you ever hear something in class you don’t understand, just ask! Our highly trained instructors are always more than happy to explain anything we’re doing in class (we also offer Private Sessions if you still feel like you want a little extra guidance.)

Ballet Positions*:

First Position– Your heels are touching and your toes are turned out to form a small V, like a little slice of pizza. TIP: Turnout stems from your hip joints, don’t force to turn your toes out from the ankle or knee. Turn your whole leg out as much as is comfortable so when you bend your knees they glide out directly in line with your toes.

Second Position– Step out wider than shoulder distance apart. Your toes are still turned out. TIP: Again, just tur out a little bit from the hip- your toes should only be turned out as far out as your joints can handle.

Fourth Position– Begin in first position with heels touching and toes turned out, now step forward with one foot so it is in front of the other with a space in between. TIP: Feet can be turned out, or parallel

(*These are the 3 positions most commonly used at M.O.M.S. Learn the rest on December 3rd at M.O.M.S Ballet Workshop!)


Here is one you you might hear during a warm up and again during class. It literally means “bend,” and is just a bend of the knees, normally in a turned out position, with knees gliding out in line with your toes. The bend can be small, in a demi-plié, or larger,  in a grande-plié. TIP: Keep your back straight and your seat in, trying not to bend forward as you bend your knees. Check to make sure your knees are lined up with your toes as they glide outward.


Rise up onto the balls of your feet by lifting your heels off of the ground. Your weight should be evenly distributed over the ball of your foot and your toes, so don’t let all your weight roll out to the outside of your foot. This not only protects your ankles, but also allows you to more effectively engage the proper working muscles! TIP: If you are in Relevé during an exercise where you bend your knees ( Plié) make sure you do not lower and raise your heels- just as if you had on a pair of high heels, your heels stay right where they are the whole time!


In an Arabesque stand on one leg (the supporting leg) with the other leg (the working leg) turned out and extended behind the body, with both legs straight. This will typically be done either with the support of the barre, or on hand and knees on the floor for seat work. TIP: At M.O.M.S, this move can be done with feet in parallel, with your toes pointed directly at the floor, or turned out. Extend as much as possible through your working leg to help engage your hamstring and seat.


Stand on one leg (the supporting leg) while the other leg (working leg) is raised with knee bent. TIP: This move can be done standing upright, fully bent over the barre, or on hands and knees at the floor mat.


These are some of the basic terms you will hear in  M.O.M.S Method class. To learn more Ballet terms and moves, don’t miss out on our adult beginner Ballet Workshop this December 3rd, at 8:30 AM! The workshop will be led by founder of M.O.M.S Method, Orlee Glazer, and will cover basic Ballet moves and structure of a beginner Ballet class. Just like a M.O.M.S workout, this workshop does not need any prior dance experience!  Signup online at www.momsmethod.com or by calling 219-929-1550. 



Barre + Beyond is a boutique fitness studio created with a goal to inspire all women of all ages and fitness levels to challenge their bodies and minds, while forging bonds and friendships to help achieve their fitness goals.