My Apology

Do you ever have those nights where you just can’t sleep? Well, that was me on Tuesday night. I was exhausted mentally, having travelled for the past 6 weeks straight (I don’t know how you do it …for those that travel for work! Wow!) But I was going going going and with that extra caffeine, my sleep was not the same. I did fall asleep for maybe 3 hours, but woke up to the storms, that my husband made me believe I made up….Well, I was so delirious, maybe I did make the storms up. But the fact is, once I was awake, my brain was racing.  I kept thinking about the Fashion Show. Ladies, I  hope you had a wonderful time and I am so proud of each and every one of you. But I couldn’t sleep because I forgot two things but one really important one. I forgot to have all the models walk back out so we could cheer for them/you one more time.  The second thing I forgot is a little more important. I forgot to really explain WHY we do this Fashion Show.  Yes, we have fun. Yes, we get to dress-up. Yes, we get major discounts on clothing and apparel we have all grown to love. Yes, we get to spend an evening away from our regular evening routine.  But the real reason we have a “Fashion Show” is to applaud you. It is to applaud all of your hard work. It is to applaud all of your commitment to yourself and your well being. Each of you had to overcome something. You have had to commit to something to make it to where you are.  I get it . Life is busy and we have ups and downs; personally, emotionally, physically. Its called life. But no matter what, the ladies that have achieved 250 club or more have achieved something great. That commitment should not go unnoticed so for that I apologize. I apologize for not acknowledging that at the fashion show. But please know I am proud of you and acknowledge your hard work. I want you to know that I appreciate you and your support. You are all very special and are role models for me and so many others. So keep doing what you are doing. Don’t give up. Know that we are all your cheerleaders and from the bottom of my heart, I am sorry for not saying it Tuesday night. Thank you again. I love all of you, our studio, its positive environment, its friendships, its diversity, its unity.


Cheers to all of you!!

Sharing Barre Love,


Barre + Beyond is a boutique fitness studio created with a goal to inspire all women of all ages and fitness levels to challenge their bodies and minds, while forging bonds and friendships to help achieve their fitness goals.