Writing to write! My Mood.

I’m glad I am here with my laptop writing my weekly blog, if that is what I want to call it. I had done it religiously for 5 years and the past 6 months were just slow!  For the past few months, I have fallen back away from my regular routine and hence did not write every week.  I do it for you but really it helps me. Lately, I have not been myself. I would go through  the motions but not really “Orlee”.  And when I am not myself and not at my best place, I eat wrong and it is a downward spiral.  I would go to grab the more processed junk and more candy and chocolate! My workout was “half” there and just not in a good place. But, today I feel great. Despite not sleeping because of the storm and the worry that I had to get up earlier than I usually do, I barely slept. But despite that, I feel great today. Why? Well, yesterday I took two amazing classes with Elizabeth. I fueled my body with fresh fish and veggies from the NEW McGowen & Sons for lunch and dinner! YUM!! Check it out it if you haven’t yet.  I took some self care time and got a Vitamin C facial from the amazing Glazer Facial Plastic.  Today, I had all the energy from you. All of you!! The studio today was awesome. The vibes were awesome. The energy was awesome.  You all put all the stresses away, the excuses away and made it happen. I thank you for helping me be the best me. Thank you for being there for me today and always. So if you are not feeling the best you, here is what I want you to do today.

  1. Go where you are happy. Someone said today after her second class; “it came right back. I am in my happy place” Yes, we are happy over here. Come feel the positive vibes and join us.
  2. Fuel your body. Shout out to the places in town the serve whole, real food. There are more! Make those decisions to fuel your body with good for you food!
  3. Out YOU first. Yes, it is easy in the summer to put those kids first, the hubby first, the work first. Ladies ladies ladies. Take care of YOU, so you can take care of others. Someone else said today, “Be that model for your children; Show them that self care is important!” PREACH!! YES!!
  4. Treat yourself. Go ahead and splurge. Get that massage. Get that facial. Get those new leggings! I am telling you, you deserve it. It all does the body good!

If you need help with any of these 4…yes, I am giving you permission to share all your excuses with me! I am here for you. Feel free to corner me. Call me. Message me. I will answer and I want to be your friend. I need friends too!

Thanks again for sharing barre love!



PS. pardon any proofing errors!

Barre + Beyond is a boutique fitness studio created with a goal to inspire all women of all ages and fitness levels to challenge their bodies and minds, while forging bonds and friendships to help achieve their fitness goals.