Work It Wednesday! – psoas time!

Let’s be real. I don’t know what day it is or what time it is. It is summer and every week, let alone every week is different in my household. We have a new schedule at barre, which also takes time to get used to. I get it. Thank you to all for filling out our schedule survey. I am a pleaser so if you want to send me schedule feedback, send it over via our survey here

But needless to say it is Wednesday. It is my blog day where I get to write. So yesterday was Technique Tip Tuesday, and since I didn’t realize what day it was, I skipped that…oops! So here it is in another version, Work It Wednesday! Yay! I still get to talk about something we addressed in class today. (Thanks for filling the studio today with some awesomeness, BTW!)

Let’s Talk Stretch Lunge. Quite simply, we do this in almost every class and from some feedback, I am sensing we want more stretch time. Yes, good! I love hearing that. But here is the deal. Make the most of your stretches.  Breath with them and do them properly from the start. With your lunge it is easy to just drop in the position, but this position requires a ton of work on your part. So here your Stretch Lunge broken down;

  1. Plant your hands on either side of your left foot.
  2. Lengthen your right foot behind you.
  3. Squeeze the top of your thigh to lengthen your right leg fully and push back on the heel.
  4. Lift your torso, so you are not leaning on your leg (sorry my shirt doesn’t show that I am engaging my core)
  5. NOW, even with all that work relax just the hip flexor; right in front of your hip, again while keep your leg engaged.

This is one we do every day, but again, is SO challenging to isolate just the psoas. Try it at home! Try it in your next class. Let us know if you have questions!

As Always, Sharing Barre Love,


Barre + Beyond is a boutique fitness studio created with a goal to inspire all women of all ages and fitness levels to challenge their bodies and minds, while forging bonds and friendships to help achieve their fitness goals.