Dear Barre Beauties, 

Welcome October! Welcome Fall! So if we have not figured it out yet, we are in our “New Normal” and we are doing it better than anyone out there! So if you are waiting for something to change, or be like they used to be, well, you may be waiting for a long time. We are doing our absolute best to make it “normal”. We are open. We are safe. We are taking extra precautions. We are wearing masks if not for yourself but for those around you.  We are still not open to full capacity but we are open with more spots now. We even added an OCTOBER SPECIAL- so that you can fit in your in-studio classes with your “I just can’t leave the house right now” – YES, 5 + 5 OCTOBER special is calling your name. So if you have been waiting at home, this is your chance to get back in, do what you love, see your fellow barre beauties and get that barre burn. If you need some motivation; well, just join our Raise the Barre Challenge. Pick the number of classes that you will commit to and make it happen for yourself and your team! (BTW- prizes are on there way) We also have October Barre Workshops every Saturday to get back to details or it is just a perfect place to start your barre journey with us.  Lastly, to keep up with our New Normal- we are doing our Own Barre Family Breast Cancer walk on October 24th. We’ll donate, we’ll walk, we’ll picnic and just “see” each other outside, and do what we really are about- SHARE BARRE LOVE.  When we burn together when we shake together, when we join together for a cause-that’s what we are really all about. The way you all came together in support of Childhood Cancer Awareness, really touched me last month. Ladies, together with straight donations and your purchases we donated over $1000 to this cause– and to see Liza’s face when she got her “warmie”  and a personal note from Warm Hugs from Erin, was totally worth it.  It came at the right time. So just know that your little act of kindness, goes a long way! I know first hand. Together, we can change lives as we make our lives better and healthier. You have been there for me and I truly appreciate it. And I am here for you too. Even though I am not in the studio this year, I do pop on classes on the most random times and I am still here!  I plan to see you for the Breast Cancer Walk too!  Let’s keep sharing barre love, coming together and making it happen for our bodies, for our wellness, for our communities and the world around us. As much as the world is changing, I love our group and the support we give to each other is what counts. So again, thank you. Thank you for sticking with us, supporting us, and sharing the love.  Cheers to a healthy, happy, full of apples, pumpkins, bonfires and love Fall! and for our challengers – let’s do this!!

Sharing Barre Love,

Barre + Beyond is a boutique fitness studio created with a goal to inspire all women of all ages and fitness levels to challenge their bodies and minds, while forging bonds and friendships to help achieve their fitness goals.