Barre + Ball – May 17th Recorded Class
Did you miss your favorite class of the week? Well, here it is! Grab your stability ball and let’s have fun with Elizabeth!
Did you miss your favorite class of the week? Well, here it is! Grab your stability ball and let’s have fun with Elizabeth!
CORE + BALL; It’s a class that we added to our repertoire about a year ago. We realize that core strength is one area that requires the most attention. When our core is strong, we have the ability to isolate the extremities and work them with complete control. Our Core + Ball class incorporates all your favorite Barre moves from
Let’s take your favorite barre moves and add extra CORE emphasis, sound good? We can always work our core more. A strong core means the ability to have complete control over all movement of our extremities and thus prevent injuries. As a former dancer, core strength was the difference between the ability to balance on my toes and turn like