Finding Your Family Fitness

“Finding your family fitness”. I bring up this topic because in our family, fitness is part of life, but it something that is rather new and we finally found a rhythm. Fitness is now part of all something we do every day, for the most part. Even my little 5 year old loves to work out. So in between work, school, travel and social life, we find a way to be active.  Whatever it is, being active is engrained and something I now crave. Has it always been this way? The answer is no. But as my husband and I “grow up” we look at those around us and know that we need to do this for ourselves and for our children.  The question is how do you make “fitness” something that you just do? How do you make “fitness” fun? How do you make “fitness” a family affair? Well, every family is different, but here are a few tips:

  1. Include your little ones. My husband may take the 5 year old to the basement and do a series of planks, push ups and jumping jacks And guess what, there she is with him.  She asks, can we go workout?  How did she get to this point? Well she was in munchkin care form the beginning! She was in the studio watching all us barre beauties planking and pulsing. So I encourage you to take your kids to  munchkin care. Show them that it is a part of life. Take them to Barre Out in the stroller. When they are old enough they can take classes with you. Get them started now!
  2. Do a family workout! Sundays we include men at the barre. We rarely have guys but I encourage you to bring your spouse. As a family, we also walk together.  We have a dog, so we walk her together. On vacation, it was a stroll on the boardwalk. It can be a bike ride or a hike at the dunes.  Basically it is something to do together that is active. Start somewhere …even if it is just a weekend stroll.
  3. Be a fitness cheerleader.  When someone wants to go workout. Say yes!! Go! Don’t say, “don’t you want to watch this movie with me? Or go have dinner?” No! Let them do it and they will do the same for you. My husband and I have different workout desires. I  crave the barre burn and he has his weekly run/lift routine. When home, we respect each other’s workout time. We cheer each other on and let the other take that hour for themselves. Other times, we try to coordinate so that we both workout at the same time in the morning on weekends; I take girls to Munchkin  Care while he goes to the gym.  But whatever it is, we do whatever is needed so the other can feel better. working out always puts me in a better mood! My family appreciates it when I do!
  4. Last but not least, add music. Music is a sure way to get endorphins going and people moving. The music we play in the studio, always gets me pumped so if I ever feel down, I just get out a playlist and go! I suggest you make your own family playlist. Together, put together songs that get you going, and dance with your family. It is an awesome way to bond, let loose and just have some family fitness fun.

So to all of you barre beauties out there, go ahead and be a leader, a cheerleader, a role model and a friend and get spread the joy of fitness with those around you! #BeYourBetterSelf #AtTheBarreAndBeyond

Sharing Barre Love,


Barre + Beyond is a boutique fitness studio created with a goal to inspire all women of all ages and fitness levels to challenge their bodies and minds, while forging bonds and friendships to help achieve their fitness goals.