It’s Better with Friends!

“Mind Over Matter” comes into play every day. It is something we do in our classes, when we hit the ultimate shake zone, when we feel the fatigue beyond belief, when we feel like quitting. But when the instructor guides you to breathe, close your eyes and you hear the final countdown, you know you can do it and you push through. You know you are not alone with the whole class right by your side. During class, there may be some groans and complaints, but afterwards, everyone always says, “wow, that was great!” or “Wow, I feel so much better”. You should be proud of yourselves. We are super excited about our Raise the Barre Fall Challenge! Why? Because it is always better with friends! You will not want to let your team down!! This year’s Raise the Barre Fall Challenge is with teams. We will place you on a team, and if you achieve the weekly challenge, you get a point for the team! Every twenty points raises the barre to the next level. Wherever you end up is what the team wins! Prizes depend on the level achieved! So do it for you, but go ahead and do it for the team! If you have not signed up, please do so by Saturday! We are also offering 10% off the 3 months for those signing up before Sept 1st! Lock in now! Call the studio at 219-476-7117.

Barre + Beyond is a boutique fitness studio created with a goal to inspire all women of all ages and fitness levels to challenge their bodies and minds, while forging bonds and friendships to help achieve their fitness goals.