January 2020 Newsletter- Happy New Year!

To Our Dear Barre Beauties,
For the past few weeks, I have been contemplating a theme for our New Year. As you may know, I really don’t like New Year – “New” You, which many “Gyms” use as their saying for the new year. Why do we have to be “new”? Aren’t we great as we are? Yes, we are great! I think so! But can we improve? Yes, I know I can. I am not perfect and my goodness, the new year for me is about setting goals. Whatever it is, it’s not a “new” you.So, as I thought about the new year, many words popped into my head. But one night, when I was up late, I was thinking about 2020 and the phrase “2020 Vision” came to me. What does 2020 Vision mean? It means you can see perfectly. The concept is great for our challenge but not necessarily for our theme. We are never perfect and having “2020 vision” or “being perfect” is not realistic. However, the word “vision” stuck. The definition of “vision” is not only being able to see but also the ability to think about and plan the future with imagination or wisdom. LOVE IT!! DING DING DING! Now that’s what I am talking about. Don’t get me wrong, 2020 Vision Test/Challenge is going to be a fun challenge but let’s get down to business. The year 2020 is about having vision, or let’s take it from the noun to an adjective to how we will be this upcoming year and the beginning of a new decade. It is A NEW YEAR-But also a NEW DECADE-LET’S HAVE VISION-BE VISIONARY-VISIONARY YOU! What does this means to me? Well, I actually think I need to be more kid-like. I need to be creative. I need to think outside the box. I need to “see” my future; to “visualize” it. If we visualize what our year will be…well, it will be. Our mind is so powerful (MIND OVER MATTER, RIGHT?) that if we actually play the year month by month, it WILL happen. Try it. My first task for you is to take some paper. Write down how you see your year; What do you look like? Do you have long hair or short? Color change? How is your weight? Muscle tone? Give details. Who do you have dinner with? What you are eating? What you do on weekends? What trips do you get to take? What things are you doing in your free time? GIVE DETAILS! Do you see a promotion or a raise? How much? Details! Who are your friends? What you feel like? Give details about how you feel in the morning? How you feel when you go to bed? When you write all this detail down, it will make it come true. But let me add, you need DETAIL in your writing . Get my drift? It needs to be truly thought out. This writing down of your visions, brings me to being more creative and creating a “Vision Board”. This board are cutouts of your “visions” of the way your year will be. We will do one of these at our Barre Progressive (info below about that event). Do you “see” why i love this vision theme?? Just loving it over here. Another definition of “visionary” could be, someone who thinks outside of conventional thinking. Someone who is unique. Someone who is not like everyone else and someone who is their own individual. So this year, in 2020, the beginning of a new decade, have VISION. BE VISIONARY, or unique. BE YOU. Remember your goals may be different than someone else’s. You live your life and don’t let anyone else stop you. You be you. Have vision and this is the year to make it happen for you and nobody else. Cheers! Happy New year to all my favorite people! to all my barre beauties!
As Always, Sharing Barre Love,

Orlee and the Barre + Beyond Team

To Read more about what is happening this January click http:// https://conta.cc/359I0st

Barre + Beyond is a boutique fitness studio created with a goal to inspire all women of all ages and fitness levels to challenge their bodies and minds, while forging bonds and friendships to help achieve their fitness goals.