Emotion Tide to Motion

First, I must apologize for not writing a blog the last few weeks. In the almost three years in business, I have only missed a blog or two while on vacations; but looking back, never this long! Well, I am human and I was in a rut! Yes, I was not my cheery, optimistic self.  Well, my grandmother passed, who despite living overseas, I was very close to.  It was even harder not being with my family during this time. Then on top of that, I was home taking care of a sick child. I was not motivated at all; not to write anything, especially not anything motivational. I didn’t want to work and I didn’t even want to burn at the barre, which is my favorite of all time!  I even said to myself while stuck at home, that I would do a few core exercises. Nope. Nothing happened.  So we all have ups and downs. It is natural and it is a part of life.

But coming back is harder than ever. We are afraid of where we used to be and where we are now. We are tired. We lack motivation. But, we have to force ourselves to come back because it is all cyclical.

“We don’t move around, we get down. And when we are down, we don’t want to move around. But the same is true for when we do move around, we feel great.  And when we feel great, we want to move around. Our emotions are tide to our motion”.

Our emotions are tied to our motion. So get up and get moving. Don’t sit and stare outside at the rain. Right now, get up and do a plank. The energy you will feel will be empowering.  Then in the morning, do another plank. And voila, you will be ready for class. Well, maybe not exactly, but  look at yourself in the mirror and say ” I will go to class.” Schedule it. You can find all the excuses in the book but they are just excuses. We don’t judge. We care. And you have to start somewhere. So get out of your rut, and make it happen. I’m not asking for a “come every day deal” but make it to the studio 2-3 times a week. You will feel better. You know you will! The more you move the better you will will feel.

Out of all this, I want you to know that you are not alone. We go through difficult times and everybody’s difficult time is different. But again, no judgment. Just encouragement.  Come move your bodies with us, smile and you will be glad you did.

See you at the barre!

Sharing Barre Love,


Barre + Beyond is a boutique fitness studio created with a goal to inspire all women of all ages and fitness levels to challenge their bodies and minds, while forging bonds and friendships to help achieve their fitness goals.