Planks, Plies and Pushups!

We can’t get enough of M.O.M.s Method total body workout- the lengthening strengthening effects are something you won’t find anywhere else in Northwest Indiana, and unfortunately, you can’t find on vacation! We know it’s that part of the season again when it’s time to hit the road for a little rest and relaxation before school starts and summer ends, but we don’t want you to stop working towards that long lean body you deserve. That’s why we decided to give you ladies a little bit of M.O.M.s to take with you on your vacation! So here are three easy moves the will have you feeling the burn you love until you can make it back into the studio!

 Can’t get enough M.O.M.s? Here are 3 easy moves to take with you on vacation!



The first in our series of three moves is the plank.  Start by clasping your hands together and placing your elbows under your shoulders. Then step your feet back one by one and come to the balls of your feet. You will want your feet hips distance apart. Make sure you are not on your tippy toes or letting your back sway. You will want to tighten, engage, and pull your abs together all the way from your lower pelvic floor muscles all the way into your chest! A full body work out in itself, the plank is a perfect exercise to streamline your waist and tone your tummy while at the
same time working your shoulders and seat! The plank is also the perfect M.O.M.s Move because so much of it is Mental.We know it hurts (think how many muscle groups you’re working- its worth it!) and it take a lot of Mind over Matter to keep holding that perfect form.


plie image-1Our next move is another great exercise that works multiple things at once, this time concentrating on the glutes and thighs, with additional benefits reaching to the core and helping to improve posture.  Start with your feet wider than your hips, feet  turned out so that knees glide over your toes. Pull your core in and lengthen up through your spine so you are in a straight line from the top of your head all the way down through your tailbone. Now go ahead and pulse an inch down and  an inch up,maintaining that neutral spine and remembering to engage your core at all times!Don’t stop when you start to shake, because remember, Shakes=Its working!!



Pushups are the ultimate upper body exercise. Toning and strengthening the chest, back and arms, AND working on that core! Start in a wide arm plank, with a flat back and navel pulled in, then smoothly lower yourself as close to the floor as you can while keeping a nice flat back, and push yourslef back up the the starting position. It is important to keep a straight line from your head down to your ankles when you’re in the lifted position. To take resistance off, feel free to lower your knees to the ground, still making sure that your hips and back are in line. Remember, at M.O.M.s Method, we live by the motto Sculpted Body + Strong Mind, and the concentration needed to perfect this challenging move will give you both!


Do these three M.O.M.s Method exercises as often as you can while you’re on vacation and you’ll be ready to jump right back into class as soon as you get back!


Lots of M.O.M.s Love,

The Team



*Images displayed on this web site are the property of their respective photographers, no copyright infringement intended. 

Barre + Beyond is a boutique fitness studio created with a goal to inspire all women of all ages and fitness levels to challenge their bodies and minds, while forging bonds and friendships to help achieve their fitness goals.