
AUGUST 2019 Newsletter

All the Choices To Our Dear Barre Beauties,With so much information at the click of a button, we can easily get confused and overwhelmed. Maybe I am speaking just for myself, but when I google something, there are so many choices. I am seriously the worst at searching for anything on the internet. The same can be in grocery stores,

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Surround Yourself With Good People

Surround yourself with good people. I can take this one step further and ask what does “good” mean? If you cannot be yourself; if you ever feel hindered or held back; if you ever feel closed off, then change your people. Here is my list of the people who should be around you. But let me add and say, these

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Work it Wednesday! – Flat Back Time

Some days you may not feel ready to work, but because you have set a good habit in place, you do it anyway.  How have you set that good habit? You have started by writing your goals.  You have started by creating your schedule of classes. You have started by just going through the motions until you realize that YES,

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Work It Wednesday! – psoas time!

Let’s be real. I don’t know what day it is or what time it is. It is summer and every week, let alone every week is different in my household. We have a new schedule at barre, which also takes time to get used to. I get it. Thank you to all for filling out our schedule survey. I am

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Writing to write! My Mood.

I’m glad I am here with my laptop writing my weekly blog, if that is what I want to call it. I had done it religiously for 5 years and the past 6 months were just slow!  For the past few months, I have fallen back away from my regular routine and hence did not write every week.  I do it for

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My Apology

Do you ever have those nights where you just can’t sleep? Well, that was me on Tuesday night. I was exhausted mentally, having travelled for the past 6 weeks straight (I don’t know how you do it …for those that travel for work! Wow!) But I was going going going and with that extra caffeine, my sleep was not the

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Finding Your Family Fitness

“Finding your family fitness”. I bring up this topic because in our family, fitness is part of life, but it something that is rather new and we finally found a rhythm. Fitness is now part of all something we do every day, for the most part. Even my little 5 year old loves to work out. So in between work, school,

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May 2019 Newsletter

APPRECIATING YOU To Our Dear Barre Beauties, As I approach a family wedding season in our family, it makes step back and appreciate it all. When there has been sadness in our family, in our community and in our world, it makes me appreciate all the good even more. Let’s celebrate the good together. Let’s celebrate each other’s achievements. Let’s celebrate our

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